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Marlboro Soccer Association

2025-2026 TRYOUTS





NOTE: If you have issue using below module see module labeled "MSA TRAVEL SOCCER TRYOUTS REGISTRATION STEPS" for alternate method

Registration Listing

MSA 2025-2026 Travel Tryout Registration

10 and Under - Boys

Registration closes on 06/01/2025 at 12:00 AM
Season Dates: 02/27/2025 to 08/31/2026
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10 and Under - Girls

Registration closes on 06/01/2025 at 12:00 AM
Season Dates: 02/27/2025 to 08/31/2026
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11 and Under - Boys

Registration closes on 06/01/2025 at 12:00 AM
Season Dates: 02/27/2025 to 08/31/2026
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11 and Under - Girls

Registration closes on 06/01/2025 at 12:00 AM
Season Dates: 02/27/2025 to 08/31/2026
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12 and Under - Boys

Registration closes on 06/01/2025 at 12:00 AM
Season Dates: 02/27/2025 to 08/31/2026
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12 and Under - Girls

Registration closes on 06/01/2025 at 12:00 AM
Season Dates: 02/27/2025 to 08/31/2026
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13 and Under - Boys

Registration closes on 06/01/2025 at 12:00 AM
Season Dates: 02/27/2025 to 08/31/2026
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13 and Under - Girls

Registration closes on 06/01/2025 at 12:00 AM
Season Dates: 02/27/2025 to 08/31/2026
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14 and Under - Boys

Registration closes on 06/01/2025 at 12:00 AM
Season Dates: 02/27/2025 to 08/31/2026
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14 and Under - Girls

Registration closes on 06/01/2025 at 12:00 AM
Season Dates: 02/27/2025 to 08/31/2026
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15 and Under - Boys

Registration closes on 06/01/2025 at 12:00 AM
Season Dates: 02/27/2025 to 08/31/2026
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15 and Under - Girls

Registration closes on 06/01/2025 at 12:00 AM
Season Dates: 02/27/2025 to 08/31/2026
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16 and Under - Boys

Registration closes on 06/01/2025 at 12:00 AM
Season Dates: 02/27/2025 to 08/31/2026
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16 and Under - Girls

Registration closes on 06/01/2025 at 12:00 AM
Season Dates: 02/27/2025 to 08/31/2026
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17 and Under - Boys

Registration closes on 06/01/2025 at 12:00 AM
Season Dates: 02/27/2025 to 08/31/2026
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17 and Under - Girls

Registration closes on 06/01/2025 at 12:00 AM
Season Dates: 02/27/2025 to 08/31/2026
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18 and Under - Boys

Registration closes on 06/01/2025 at 12:00 AM
Season Dates: 02/27/2025 to 08/31/2026
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18 and Under - Girls

Registration closes on 06/01/2025 at 12:00 AM
Season Dates: 02/27/2025 to 08/31/2026
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7 and Under - Boys

Registration closes on 06/01/2025 at 12:00 AM
Season Dates: 02/27/2025 to 08/31/2026
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7 and Under - Girls

Registration closes on 06/01/2025 at 12:00 AM
Season Dates: 02/27/2025 to 08/31/2026
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8 and Under - Boys

Registration closes on 06/01/2025 at 12:00 AM
Season Dates: 02/27/2025 to 08/31/2026
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8 and Under - Girls

Registration closes on 06/01/2025 at 12:00 AM
Season Dates: 02/27/2025 to 08/31/2026
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9 and Under - Boys

Registration closes on 06/01/2025 at 12:00 AM
Season Dates: 02/27/2025 to 08/31/2026
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9 and Under - Girls

Registration closes on 06/01/2025 at 12:00 AM
Season Dates: 02/27/2025 to 08/31/2026
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MSA 2024-2025 Travel Tryout Registration

9 and Under - Girls

Registration closes on 03/29/2025 at 12:00 AM
Season Dates: 07/01/2024 to 06/30/2025
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MSA Travel Soccer Tryouts Registration Steps

Marlboro Soccer Association

Travel Tryouts Registration Procedures

Updated: February 26, 2024

Please follow the below steps to register. Any issues with registering please email  [email protected] and [email protected]

  1. Go to the registration site by clicking "+ REGISTER" at the top of this page or by clicking the following link - TRYOUT REGISTRATION
  2. Sign in utilizing your ID and password. If you do not have an ID, one must be created.
  3. Click the three dots icon in the Participant box to add your child to your account. If your child is already registered select "1 Programs Available!"
  4. Click "Select" for the age appropriate tryout (Ex: 2011 Boys will register as "14 and Under Boys".) Then click "Continue"
  5. Confirm information on the next page is correct. Then click "Continue"
  6. If you would like to volunteer as a Team Manager click "Select" under team manager. Otherwise press "Skip"
  7. Click "Submit Order"

About Tryouts

Tryouts will be held at the Vanderburg Soccer Complex located on Vanderburg Road or the Marlboro Middle School Turf Fields.  Depending on the number of children and the age group, there will be one or more tryouts for each age group.

Players can try out to play up one age group, which is consistent with NJYS guidelines.  The player must be selected for the Blue team to be eligible to play up.  The tryout process will remain consistent with past processes where Tryout Results and Coach’s Input/Ratings will be used to create teams. The Travel Directors will be involved in the formation of each team and will determine if players are selected to play up.  It is important to understand that our philosophy on players “playing up” has not changed. The vast majority of players will benefit most from playing in their age group. With that said, we are following the guidelines set forth by our governing bodies. The aim for the Travel Directors will be to utilize the flexibility to have players “playing up” in a balanced way that benefits the player, team, and program. “Playing up” does not have to be an all or nothing situation. Players can play on a team in their age group and have opportunities to play up situationally to support their development within the program (e.g. guest play at tournaments or games where US Club Cards are used).   We strongly recommend that each player try out for their own age group even if they try out for the older age group. If the player does not try out for their own age group, they will not be eligible to make a team in that age group.

Should your child become ill, suffer an injury or have a family emergency, please contact one of the Travel Directors. The group for which your child is eligible to tryout is based on birth date. The tryout dates, age groups and registration instructions are posted on the MSA website.

The duration of the tryouts will be approximately 2 hours. Please do not drop your child off and leave the tryout area. Parental assistance maybe required.  All players must wear appropriate soccer attire, including shin guards and soccer cleats. All players must bring a ball and plenty of water. Current travel players MAY NOT wear, or
bring, any part of their travel uniforms, including socks and bags.  Goalie tryouts may be held at the end of the field tryout. Players interested in playing goalie will be asked to stay and participate in goalie related drills. If your child has goalie gloves please make sure he/she brings them. Should your child try out for goalie and make the team,
the coach has the right to play him/her at that position. If your child does not want to play goalie, do not have them try out for that position. 

Travel Team Selection
Players will be notified whether or not they have been selected for a team shortly after the tryout for their age group, but no later than after Memorial Day. Players selected for the highest level team in each age group will be notified first. Each player will have twenty four (24) hours to accept or decline a position. The onus to reply is on the Parent of the player. If you do not accept or decline within twenty four (24) hours that is your indication that the position is declined. If after twenty four (24) hours the position has not been accepted or declined, the next highest rated player will be notified and your child will forfeit his/her place on the team. The selection of the all travel teams is at the discretion of the Travel Directors.  The Travel Directors have the discretion to extend the acceptance period in the interests of the program, where situations warrant.

Players will be selected by the CM19 Trainers in each specific age group, based on the tryout results and the Fall & Spring ratings. Ratings will be conducted by CM19 Trainers. If new coach/coaches are appointed, the team will be selected by the alternate CM19 Trainers using the tryout ratings and the Fall & Spring ratings provided by the prior coaches. All U7 and U8 Teams will be selected solely by the CM19 Trainers based on the tryout process.

What to Expect


  1. All Players must pre-register
  2. All players must check in at the reception desk
  3. Walk up registration will be allowed but may delay the player getting on to the field  
  4. The registration desk will provide the player required kit and instructions
  5. Parents are to wait by the registration desk until their child returns from the tryout (approximately 2 hours)
  6. We ask that parents not leave the parent area in case of emergency
  7. Parents are not allowed near the tryout out fields under any circumstance unless requested by one of the raters


  1. All players may wear weather appropriate sports clothing; they MUST have shin guards, soccer cleats, a ball and water
  2. Players are not allowed to wear any uniforms or other Club related gear during the tryout
  3. Players will be provided a number, pinnies and instructions on what to do during the evaluation period
  4. Every tryout will have professional raters
  5. At the end of the tryout, the players will be instructed to find their parents and will be provided some basic instructions on what to expect next


  1. The MSA Board has collected an evaluation for every player from the fall season; this evaluation will be part of the overall tryout rating
  2. The professional  rater's scores along with the fall season evaluation will carry the highest weight in player selection followed by the volunteer rater scores
  3. The tryout ratings will be presented to a team of MSA Directors immediately after the tryout is completed for evaluation
  4. For age groups that have a second (2nd) and/or third (3rd) tryout, the process will repeat itself to ensure the most accurate player placement
  5. If a player misses one tryout, the MSA Board will place a higher weighting on the fall evaluations and professional rater's scores when determining player selection
  6. Players that are new to the MSA Travel program for which there are no fall ratings are highly encouraged to attend all tryouts scheduled for that age group
  7. After the completion of all the tryouts for that age group, the MSA Board will inform the coaches starting with the blue teams to offer positions
  8. Players have 24 hours to accept
  9. After the Blue team is formed, the next color team will begin the process continuing until all the teams for that group are formed
  10. Given the 24 hour windows for each player, it may take some time for the Gold Team players to be contacted
  11. After all players have accepted and all teams are formed, the MSA Board will send an e-mail to any players that have not been selected


No pets are allowed on any Marlboro soccer fields.

Please drive carefully and only park in designated spots.

There is no parent or guest parking behind the MMS turf field.  Please park in designated spots at MMS or the Rec Center parking lot.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.