Marlboro Soccer Association
NJYS Carding Procedures
Marlboro Soccer travel players and coaches for teams playing in the Monmouth-Ocean Soccer Association (“MOSA”) are required to be New Jersey Youth Soccer (“NJYS”) carded. The carding process for NJYS is done through U.S. Soccer Connect (formally Bonzi); an online registration process.
The responsibility of a player being carded timely is the player's parent not the coach, manager or any representative of Marlboro Soccer. Players MUST be NJYS carded to participate in any league or tournament games. The same is true for coaches with the exception that an un-carded coach may not stand on the players' sideline.
One of the many benefits of U.S. Soccer Connect is that a player’s and coach’s information is maintained in the database simplifying the carding process for future years. For example, all player information such as medical information, birth certificate and the player’s picture will not have to be re-entered from year to year.
Team managers will be provided access to U.S. Soccer Connect to print all cards and medical release forms. If there are any issues with a player or coach card, the team manager will notify you.
Should there be any questions regarding the carding process, please contact [email protected].